3 juli 2011

The Cat

Since "the cat" probably is stalking me on facebook
and probably is reading my blogg
I feel safer writing the following message in english
'cause I'm quite certain he doesn't know english
It all started a year ago when I moved to stockholm
And "the cat" decided that that was my way of saying
I give up!
For years we had been fighting
Fighting over my parents attention
Fighting over my/his bed
Fighting over who was the fastest
to run down the stairs.
We haven't fought fair
And I'm not proud over the things I have done.
But as they say
In Love and War everything is okey?
But back to the story.

"The cat" saw me moving to Stockholm as me waving the white flag.
So ever since I've moved he has considered my room as his room!
And my bed, as his bed.
Wich has developed into a fight everytime I've been home to visit.
And so, now, I'm living with my parents over the summer and "the cat"
has gone insane. He's using every trick in the book to try breaking me down.
The last weeks he has been using the same torure methods the japaneese cats
used during the 2nd world war.
He's been snoring really loud in my ear att night.
running back and forth in the room trying to make as much noice as possible.
He is even trying to puch me out of the bed using his feet an claws.
I get out of bed every morning feeling tired and he's just lying there
pleased with himself, sleeping all day long so that he can disturb me during the night.
Now I think this must come to an end
So I have decided that it's time for me to develope a plan of evil myself
Even do I'm not sure I'll have enough time.
Untill then, I would epriciate all the inside info you have about "the cat"
That could be of my interest.
And if I don't come out of this war whole and healthy
remember, I love you all!

xxx Agnes Cecilia

2 kommentarer:

  1. I've heard that "the cat" hates water, except when he's drinking it.. So have a spraybottle of water near you bed at night and when he gives you a hard time, spray some water on him.. that'll cool him down...

  2. Oh, that's a great advice mr T. I'll try taht. In other hand i've been revenging the cat with my early work times. He hates it when I go up at six a clock. But I'll try the water on weekends...
